Addiction recovery therapy involves the use of psychotherapeutic methods and medical treatments to treat individuals addicted to drugs. This includes prescription and street drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, and cannabis. The goal of rehab is to help the patient regain control of his or her life and lead a drug-free lifestyle.

Addiction recovery therapy (ART) is a process of medical and psychotherapeutic care for people who have a problem with the abuse of drugs. Its goal is to help people stop using psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs like cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines.

Each day at a recovery center includes a variety of activities. For example, clients may participate in an early morning fitness class or walk around the facility's grounds. Afterwards, they may attend a 12-Step meeting or group discussion. Most centers also have a set "lights out" time. This is important for the client's recovery. To learn more...

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